The European opinion
In pronouncing once again on the fate of thebear JJ4 – responsible for the death of Andrea Papi – the Council of State has highlighted the correctness of the decisions taken so far by the Autonomous Province of Trento on the management of the specimen, awaiting the opinion that will be issued by the European Court of Justice.
The transfer of the bear
The Council of State also reiterated the discretionary capacity of Piazza Dante regarding choices relating to the management of large carnivores. Meanwhile, the provincial councilor for forests with responsibility for large carnivores Roberto Failoni confirms the objective of transferring the animal to Germany, with the hope that the matter will be concluded by next autumn (Source: PRESS OFFICE OF THE PROVINCE OF TRENTO).
The episode from a year and a half ago
The story of the JJ4 bear is sadly known: Andrea Papi, a runner just 26 years old, was mauled by the animal on 5 April 2023 while he was in the woods above the town of Caldes, an episode that has been talked about for a long time at a national level, sparking a heated debate.