27th edition of the Truffle Fair
Also this year, the Federcaccia section of Pergola, a municipality in the Marche region in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, donated the entire proceeds of the lottery organized on the occasion of the 27th edition of the local National Truffle Fair, to charity. To the social services of the Municipality, to the Margherita socio-educational center and to the Aspecc (Pergola solidarity association for those affected by cancer) he paid a precious check of 250 euros each, for a total of 750 euros.
The meeting at the Town Hall
President Franco Gaggia and other members met Mayor Diego Sabatucci, President of the La Macina cooperative Antonella Merolli and President of Aspecc Renata Roia at the town hall.
Helping those in need
“This year too we have achieved our goal, helping those most in need. A big thank you to all those who contributed” declared the President of the FIdC Section Gaggia. From all a heartfelt thanks to Federcaccia: “A truly praiseworthy initiative by Federcaccia that we thank for the great sensitivity for a very important sector such as the social one”, concluded the mayor Sabattuci.