Important topics
With a letter sent to the President of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio and to the Councilor for hunting and fishing Marco Protopapa, the regional President of Federcaccia Piedmont Guido Dellarovere brought to the attention of the Institutions some important issues that should be evaluated and modified in order to facilitate hunting and the various completions of the approved slaughter plans, also facilitating the management of the Piedmontese ATC and CA. Below is the outline of the proposed proposals.
1) Amendment of the art. 23 of law 5/2018 as reported
Art. 23 Prohibitions.
In addition to the provisions of current national laws, it is forbidden:
a) in ATCs and CAs, hunting in a territory other than that of admission;
b) the use of more than two dogs per hunter and more than four dogs per group, with the exception of wild boar hunting and the use of dogs belonging to a specialized pack for which ENCI has issued a specific suitability patent , as well as with the exception of a dog under eighteen months of age, identifiable by tattoo or microchip, for hunter, group or specialized pack;
c) the killing or capture of the female black grouse;
d) the use of dogs for hunting ungulates, with the exception of tracking dogs and for hunting wild boar, as well as for the provisions of article 20, paragraph 3;
e) hunting on land covered entirely or mostly with snow, with the exception of hunting of ungulates, wild boars, foxes and tetraonids in the wildlife area of the Alps, for hunting of ungulates including wild boars in the remaining part of the regional territory and for the control activity pursuant to articles 20 and 22, according to the provisions issued by the Regional Council
Other changes
f) hunting at night and, in any case, beyond the times allowed by the hunting calendar, with the exception of selective wild boar hunting;
2) Amendment of the art. 11 of law 5/2018 as reported
Repeal of paragraph 9 of article 11 of 5/2018 which provides for the incompatibility of covering the representation of agricultural professional organizations, environmental protection associations and local bodies within the ATC and CA cods by hunters.
3) Modification of the procedures for carrying out the ATC and CA Management Committees
It is required that the ATC and CA management committees can be convened and held online via the internet platform.
4) Regulations approved by individual ATCs and CAs
It is required that ATC and CA regulations brought to regional approval have the utmost respect for the hunting calendar and that, except in cases proven by scientific studies, they do not harm the hunter's right to carry out hunting activities, precluding hunting days and/or arcs time reductions with respect to the provisions of the regulation issued by the Piedmont Region.
In this regard, the FIDC Regional Council on 12 August 2023 in point 2 of the agenda resolved the following:
Item 2 Agenda Policy act relating to the Piedmont Region hunting calendar, transposition of indications from the NATIONAL FIDC regarding the closing dates and the species that can be hunted.
Opening and closing dates
Having evaluated the hunting calendar of the Piedmont Region, taking into account the indication received from Federcaccia Nazionale which invites you to keep the provisions contained therein unchanged, the following is hereby adopted: Federcaccia Regione Piemonte approves to give indications to the Provincial sections and to all the representatives within ATC and CA to respect the opening and closing dates as foreseen in the hunting calendar, any restrictions must be scientifically and technically approved and submitted to the authorization of the Piedmont Region. With regards to open days, each Provincial entity will be able to evaluate locally any restrictions and/or changes to the hunting calendar, remembering that FIDC has always wanted to give maximum availability to hunting federations and not by proposing a restrictive policy both on open days and in the methodology of choice of the same.
We also ask that any restriction imposed by the ATC and CA on dog training during the period permitted for hunting activity be quashed (source: FIDC).