La Province of Sondrio has decided to limit the wild boar management in the area of its competence. The rules are therefore about to change and we will no longer rely on hunters and their killing, as happened in the last hunting seasons. The local authority made it clear with a detailed note, in which it was mentioned Article 41 of Regional Law 26 of 1993 as a regulatory reference point for what concerns this activity.
Selective control is different from hunting and is characterized by the use of trained and qualified personnel. According to the Lombardy Province the control itself made it possible to slow down the increase in wild boars, decreasing its presence in different areas. The staff worked together with the ungulate hunters on an experimental basis and now it is understood that there is only one system to be adopted to achieve the goal.
Among other things, it was underlined how the authorization granted over the years to hunters for killing is not robust from a regulatory point of view, without forgetting the insignificant results that would have been obtained. The Chiavenna Hunting Committee was not surprised by the choice, known for some time and communicated to hunters, in addition to the fact that in other provinces stop killing it was sanctioned after the evaluation of legal aspects that were not entirely clear.