Il Panontin Bill approved by the regional council of Friuli Venezia Giulia last December 29 and related to the reorganization of the functions of the provinces is still discussed. In particular, the Province of Udine has expressed all its opposition to the transfer of jurisdiction over hunting and fishing to the same Region. According to Marco Quai, provincial councilor for hunting and fishing, the maneuver will result in an increase in administrative skills for the Region, greater public spending by citizens and an increase in costs as regards the transfer of personnel employed in the employment offices.
Quai is therefore pessimistic about the final outcome of this transfer of competences, especially with regard to wildlife and hunting resources, but also for environmental, forestry and fish surveillance. The draft law will have to be examined within a few days from Local Autonomy Council (CAL), called to express himself in this regard: next January 19th there will be this session and the new developments of the affair will be better understood. The commissioner from Udine also explained that the cost increases will be accompanied by the same services and performances, while the speed, efficiency and organization cannot yet be assessed.
In the press release of Quai you can read some interesting data regarding the service of the Province of Udine in the field of hunting and fishing, primarily the recovery of injured or distressed wildlife. In this sector, a protocol has been signed with the reserve managers which allows to guarantee the service during the whole week and at no cost to the community. In fact, two operators of the institution are available and about 300 volunteers who have been trained and educated, active in the open hours and on weekends.
The core of the bill is represented by 32 articles and consists of the reallocation to the Region of functions that are now provincial, with an update of the competences and the modification of some rules on matters relating to local authorities and on the subject of the Regional Single Commissioning Center (CUC). Even the investigations for the regional fund for environmental improvement, the compensation for damage caused by wildlife and other contributions are assets intended for transfer from Province to Region. The provincial service also deals with the distribution of hunting cards together with the managers of the reserves, without forgetting the administrative activity that concerns the disciplinary procedures against hunters (based on what was found by the agents who deal with surveillance).