The main problems
At the Prefecture, the Prefect of Bergamo, Luca Rotondi, chaired a meeting of the Coordination Table on Wild Fauna. The meeting was attended by the Mayors of the Municipalities of Gandino and Valbondione, the Provincial Police, as well as representatives of the Lombardy Region, the Carabinieri-Forestale Group, ATS and agricultural associations. The meeting aimed to analyze the problems related to the presence of wild fauna, evaluate the actions already undertaken and define further intervention strategies to ensure safety, environmental protection and sustainability. During the meeting it was underlined how the role of the Institutions is fundamental not only for the management of critical issues related to wild fauna, but also for the prevention of crimes, such as the use of poisoned baits that represent a serious risk for fauna, domestic animals and public health.
The decrease in wild boars
Among other things, aspects regarding road safety, damage to agriculture and plans for the containment of wild fauna were examined in depth. It emerged that the mountainous areas of the province have the highest presence of ungulates and, in particular, deer, while there has been a significant decrease throughout the territory of wild boars, which are the subject of specific control policies. In relation to wolves, it was found that 24 predatory events were detected in the current year and it is estimated that there are approximately 25 specimens in the provincial territory, divided into three small packs, constantly monitored by the Provincial Police.
The wolf question
Taking note of the technical time needed to implement the European guidelines on the downgrading of the wolf from a strictly protected species, the meeting provided an opportunity to recall the importance of breeders adopting appropriate preventive measures aimed at mitigating conflicts between humans and wildlife, such as electric fences and the use of guard dogs. The Prefect underlined the importance of synergic action between the institutions involved, highlighting the need to adopt coordinated and effective measures, as well as to raise awareness among citizens and promote responsible behavior. "The Round Table - underlined Dr. Rotondi - is an important moment of discussion for a more sustainable management of wild fauna and for a strengthening of the coexistence between humans and nature".