After the new suspension of the hunting activity in Valle di Comino theArchcaccia Lazio wants to express all his indignation and, at the same time, express closeness to fellow hunters of the valley and to the Provincial President of the Arcicaccia di Frosinone Franco Frisian for the efforts made in defense of the category. The rationale for this new stop, remember that the tar had already suspended the hunt, and that this activity could seriously endanger the existence of the last specimens of Brown Marsicano bear existing. The aim is certainly noble, but some reflection still needs to be done. The doubt that this splendid animal is taken as a pretext by the usual suspects for damage the hunting activity and those who practice it comes spontaneously and stands out even more if we think that some of the associations that challenged the resolution in question did not say a word about the accident that, a few days ago, in Abruzzo, caused the death of three bears by drowning in a water collection tank.
In particular, one wonders how, without glimpsing an ill-concealed prejudice against ars venandi lovers, the Council of State can, with a decision taken with almost unique speed in the Italian legal panorama, overturn a decision of the Lazio TAR who, after having granted the suspension requested by the applicants, analyzed the matter on the merits and finally decided that the conditions were not met to accept the precautionary request. At the same time, one wonders why the Lazio Region has deliberated the two contested decisions close to the imminent start of the hunting activity.
In particular, as measures are connected to the hunting calendar approved at the beginning of summer, one wonders how it was not possible to do so in the days immediately following, thus avoiding, if there had been a similar recourse, to create inconvenience to persistent hunters in the areas. affected by the measures that, we point out, have obviously paid the annual taxes required to carry out hunting activities. The behavior of the Lazio Region is even more incomprehensible if we consider that these measures are taken annually and, beyond a few commas, are photocopy measures. To avoid any exploitation it is reiterated that the destinies of the Marsicano Brown Bear are at the heart of the hunters of the Comino Valley and of all the inhabitants of the area and Arcicaccia Lazio is associated in this noble intent, but we want to stigmatize all those behaviors that under the banner "we save the bear "conceal one and only intent: penalize in all possible ways the hunters of the area in particular, but more generally the very image of the hunter.
We just want to remember that those rural communities have always lived in contact with the bear, carrying out all the activities that are typical of those territories, including hunting, and for lovers of numbers and statistics we invite the proposers to analyze the places and the causes that have led to the death of bear specimens in the last 40 years. No death can be charged to the hunting world, but, on the contrary, the causes are almost exclusively attributable to road accidents, railroads and with some poaching act certainly not attributable to hunters. Finally, the Arci Caccia Lazio, in reiterating its closeness to fellow hunters of the Comino Valley and hoping that in the decision on the merits of the next 13 December the CdS will definitively release hunting in those areas, will work to ensure that, for the years to come, such suspensions are not repeated, intervening at the Lazio Region to approve the deeds of its competence well in advance.