Protection of biodiversity
La State-Regions and Autonomous Provinces Conference approved an agenda which asks the State to also finance regional protected natural areas with national funds. The request is made in the face of growing commitments for the protection of biodiversity and, above all, to be able to achieve the objectives of the European Agenda 30x30 which asks, through the European Strategy for Biodiversity to 2030 implemented in the national strategy of MASE, to reach 30% of protected surface area at sea and on land by 2030.
Federparchi's position
The document explicitly refers to the position of Federparchi which for years has been asking that regional parks become part of the "integrated national system of protected areas" in all respects, also for sources of financing.
Specific funds
The State-Regions document ends with an appeal: "The Regions and autonomous provinces ask the Government and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security to take the proposal into consideration and allocate specific funds so that the managing bodies of the regional parks can implement the measures envisaged to achieve the challenging objectives set by the European Union for the conservation of habitats and species." (source: FIDC).