"We are not invaded by UFOs, but by wild boars yes! Farmers sow and cultivate and wild boars harvest. Where are we going to end up? The presence of wild boars is now a constant and their proliferation is uncontrolled ”. Aniello Ascolese, Director of Coldiretti Molise, which after the Flash Mob of last July 8 at the Regional Council, is forced again to intervene by denouncing and describing what is happening in the Molise countryside also on the basis of numerous reports that arrive daily from all over the region.
“Despite a greater presence of the selector-controllers that we had repeatedly asked the Region, in the countryside, but also in urban centers - continues Ascolese - people have to give way to wild boars. For some time - he adds - we have asked for the implementation of a Control Plan that provides for the implementation of all measures aimed at combating and reducing the wild population in agricultural areas, but we note that there continues to be a legislative / administrative 'slowness' that does not take into account that it is often useless to sow and that the crops in place are severely damaged ". “We were able to ascertain - observes the Director of Coldiretti - that in many cases even the fences that farmers had built to defend themselves from the onslaught are no longer enough!
They are brought down by the hordes of the wild. Necessarily it is necessary to modify the national rules which date back to about thirty years ago and which were designed for the protection and protection of wildlife, in order to restore the fauna and which today have evidently proved no longer suitable. We do not ask - he continues - the extermination of wild boars, but a fair balance between those who have always lived in rural areas, who must have the opportunity to continue to work and produce food. Today this balance is totally lost. We ask that we be granted the possibility of safeguard the work of farmers, especially in this phase of health emergency in which food production plays a fundamental role. "
"The resolution of the problem can no longer be postponed - states the Confederal Delegate of Coldiretti Molise, Giuseppe Spinelli - it is absolutely necessary to ensure the right protection of the work of who earns a living in the countryside, the safety of people and the liveability of places. If we do not take note of this calamity and do not intervene, then we should not be surprised that there are more and more abandoned agricultural land ”. The concrete commitment must continue to stop the proliferation of wild animals with the number of wild boars present in the Region of about 40 thousand heads, by far exceeding the biological equilibrium that can be tolerated by the territory, with the consequent damages, accidents and also an evident health risk. "It is more and more frequent - concludes Ascolese - the presence of wild animals in the two provincial capitals and in the urban centers of the municipalities, looking for food in the waste, in parks and even in the courtyards of houses with obvious risks to health and contagion of farms.
An emergency that is now spreading from the countryside to the cities, compromising the environmental balance of vast territorial ecosystems even in areas of high naturalistic value ". Meanwhile, something is moving. Taking note of the very serious situation that has arisen, the Prefecture of Campobasso has called for Thursday 15 July (at 16.30 pm) a meeting for a joint examination of the developments of the wild boar problem at the Government Palace. The meeting, convened by the Prefect of Campobasso, Antonio Cappetta, were invited to participate, in addition to the regional representatives of Coldiretti, and of the other trade organizations, also: the Mayor of the capital and the President of the Province, the Commissioner of Campobasso, the Provincial Commanders of the Carabinieri, Police, Guardia di Finanza, Forestry Carabinieri, Traffic Police, but also the Anci, the Asrem, the Anas of Abruzzo and Molise and the Motorway Trunk that crosses Molise. (Source COLDIRECTS)