A celebration with an ancient flavour
In Terranuova Bracciolini in the Province of Arezzo, on Sunday 24th and Monday 25th September, the traditional Local Bird Fair, now in its 409th edition this year. A festival with an ancient flavor that still manages to attract the attention of thousands of people, to discover hunting and rural habits and customs, which are handed down from generation to generation. In this prestigious context, the Proloco di Terranuova and the Bird Fair Committee, in collaboration with FATFO, ANUU Migratoristi Toscana and Federcaccia Toscana – UCT, organized the usual singing competition for decoy birds.
An exciting singing competition
At the first light of dawn last Sunday, over one hundred specimens belonging to the various competing species competed for the pleasure of those present in a passionate singing competition, during which the expert delegate judges had the opportunity to identify, after a careful evaluation, the winning subjects. The winner in the “Lark” and “Fringuello” categories was the very young Elia Thomas Marliani accompanied by his father; Thiago Gentili, however, another very young enthusiast, won first place in the "sparrow" and "cesena" categories, followed respectively by Francesco Macherelli who excelled for the "redwing", Paolo Cincinelli for the "song thrush" and Belgio Lavorini for the “blackbird.
Growing audience
Great satisfaction expressed by the organizers and those present for a "growing" event, which every year with surprise and pleasure, manages to attract an ever-increasing number of people over the two dedicated days. This is the demonstration of a still lively interest in a practice, that of breeding decoy birds, around which revolves a whole world made up of ancient but still current values, habits and customs, to be defended and preserved (The FIDC Secretariat UCT).