The municipal section of Canegrate, in the province of Milan, of the Italian Federation of Hunting organized the first edition of "Miracca Giovanni" Trophy, a canine competition on partridge without shot, free and therefore open to all. The test will take place on Sunday 18 June 2017 at the "Muffa" training area, starting at 6 am. Gold medals will be awarded to the first three classified of the three categories provided by the organizers, namely "English", "Continental" and "Search".
Among other things, the obligation to leash will be in force. The gold medals of the first classified among the "English", as well as the first of the other two categories will be dedicated to the memory of Breton Renè and Breton Maja. The competition will have the sole purpose of restocking. The cost of registration, to be completed on the competition field, will be 15 euros, but re-registrations will be allowed, time permitting. The area will be checked during the morning of the test with molecular dogs, without forgetting the vigilance ensured the day and night before the Trophy.