As disclosed by the Confederation of Tuscan Hunters the resolutions relating to the sampling plans of the species have been published fallow deer and mouflon. On August 27, the Regional Council of Tuscany approved two resolutions, namely number 947 and number 945. The first concerns the management plans, while the second the hunting calendar 2018-2019 as regards the two ungulates.
The plans in question have been made public to fix the times and methods of sampling in the various districts following the indications and guidelines of theISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) and the provisions of Regional Law n.10 / 2016 (the so-called "Objective Law" on ungulates).
The documents, then, were produced following the data provided by the respective Territorial Areas of Hunting and by the Wildlife Hunting Activity Sector of the Tuscany Region for what concerns the suitable and non-suitable areas and for the Wildlife and Hunting Farms of the Region. The Tuscan resolutions we are talking about and the sampling plans for mouflons and fallow deer they can be downloaded and consulted directly from the CCT website to clarify any doubts and get more information on the matter.