Approval of the Statute
The Italian Shooting Union received today from the Legislative Office of the Ministry of Defense the response to the letter sent by the same UITS extension on December 3, XNUMX to urge approval of the new Statute, an essential condition for calling the elective assembly of the Institution. The issue had in fact given rise to some speculation, by evidently ill-informed individuals, according to which the Union could have called the assembly even in the absence of approval of the Statute.
What the Ministry said
The letter from the Ministry of Defense, on the other hand, confirms unequivocally that the line of action adopted by the Italian Shooting Union was the most correct one. In fact, in confirming that it was sent to the MEF on September 19th for a preliminary opinion and that March 15th was highlighted as the deadline for the renewal of the central bodies – the communication reiterates that “the approval of the new Statute is essential for the legitimacy of calling elections” and that “pursuant to current legislation, it is believed that the approval of the Statute by decree of the Ministry of Defense and its entry into force are indispensable elements for calling legitimate elections”.
First transmission
On the other hand, UITS must point out that, differently from what is indicated in the letter received from the Ministry, the actual date of first transmission of the document by the General Secretariat of the Organization to the certified email address of the Ministry of Defense appears from the documents to have been 23 July 2024. Furthermore, the date of 5 September 2024 corresponds to a second sending made by UITS, at the request of the same Ministry, to a different email address (source: UITS).