For the purposes of maximum protection of all interested hunters, the Confederation of Tuscan Hunters reminds that with 31 December 2018 the validity of the annual sampling plan for the species ceases Boar in unsuitable areas of this region. We are talking about the provisions of Resolution 1503 of 27 December 2017.
For this reason, the selection hunting of the wild boar species remains suspended until the approval of a new Annual Withdrawal Plan, subject to the opinion of ISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), as governed by Article 4 of Regional Law 10 of 2016. A situation of serious uncertainty which is added to the further suspension of all forms of containment for the species Wild boar, pigeon, hooded crow, magpie, starling, nutria and minilepre also deriving from the current non-renewal by the Tuscany Region of the Control Plans of the related species which have now expired.
The Confederation of Tuscan Hunters asks the Tuscan Regional Council for urgent approval of the aforementioned plans, to avoid management damage on problematic species. A Resolution that should also be added to the one already requested for the restoration of the hunting calendar in the parts subject to suspension following the Ordinance of the Council of State.