Arci Caccia Veneto: resolution approved on the huts. “Another step taken, but let's not stop! We will inform the hunters, without making the vulgar populism that we leave to others! ”.
We are pleased to learn that today a Council Resolution on the Hunting Huts has been approved, a sort of explanatory text, which marks a further "step" in the wake of providing legal certainty on this matter. We hoped that the final word had already been written with Law 23/2013, but the interpretations were different: well, therefore, as agreed, specify by resolution of the Executive. We thank the councilor for hunting Stival and the council for this further measure and we hope we can say that we have definitively closed the game. However, we will still be vigilant as we have committed ourselves to date, knowing that the sentence of partial repeal of the Constitutional Court n. 139/2013 on the law n. 25/2012, which makes the matter of stalking more complicated and difficult to solve not only for the Veneto. We could have done as others, made statements of dissent with respect to what came out of the regional offices, we preferred to put our energies and experiences in favor of an interpretation of the rule that allows us to say how those who have regularly paid the license can go hunting from stalking. even this year.
There is someone who has decided to create concerns and make "vulgar" populism, to ask for the resignation of Councilors, we have preferred and we prefer as I have been able to reiterate in other circumstances regardless of who is in the Region, to give our contribution and now the hunters at least know how to hunt from stalking. Let it be clear that we do not consider the game closed on the topic of Hunting huts, what emerged does not fully respond to our wishes, but we have this and we will inform the hunters about this: I do not know if it is enough, but I believe this is the goal and the job. that must play a hunting association!
Giuliano Ezzelini Storti
Veneto Regional President Arci Caccia
(28 October 2013)