Over 70 wolf attacks on the Plateau, on the Grappa and in the territory of Recoaro. And 1.017 wild boars killed, which, however, were not enough to limit the damage to crops: plowed pastures, maize devastated in the hilly areas, potatoes and vegetables killed. These are the numbers of the 2021 vintage archived to date by the provincial police of Vicenza, which report how the problem of wildlife is becoming increasingly worrying in the province of Vicenza and how farmers are increasingly helpless and powerless. Anna Trettenero, president of Confagricoltura Vicenza, explains: "the numbers are striking and indicate, as far as wild boars are concerned, that ungulates are expanding and that the containment actions implemented so far are not sufficient.
In addition to the meadows, which are being devastated in an impressive way, this year we have had reports of farmers who have sown corn three times, which means increased costs and loss of production up to 50 percent". As for the wolves, “we know from the news that they went down to the plains, as happened in Bressanvido, and that attacks on private individuals, with dogs and other mauled pets, are increasingly frequent. At risk are, therefore, not only the mountain pastures and pastures, but also tourism on the plateau and citizenship, because even people can no longer feel safe. Fast and realistic solutions must be found. LGDs and fences are partial responses e not conclusive. As for wild boars, we need to intervene and rebalance the numbers, or in a few years we will find ourselves with the fields invaded and abandoned ”, he concludes.