The regional delegate ofAnuu to institutional relations with the agricultural, environmental and hunting world, Renato Antonucci, once again draws attention to problem of wild boars. And he appeals to the prefect, politicians and associations. "Opening the newspaper I read another dramatic article: "Sos boars, new crash!" There was a very serious accident in the Roccasecca area where some people almost lost their lives for yet another serious accident. An appeal was made to the political and associative forces, to HE the prefect, the invitation to take matters in hand because it is tragic that every day, after the fatal accidents that caused the death of three people, other people can continue to be involved in similar events due to the excess of wild boars.
I address a further invitation to Political forces above all local, provincial and regional, I appeal to HE the prefect, to whom however I recognize the exceptional work he is carrying out throughout the Province; now, however, especially with regard to wild boars it is time to change pace and put an end to the regional tables, the institutional meetings ».
Antonucci reiterates: "As I have written many times, it is necessary to bring together the snipers of the police forces and immediately provide for thekilling of wild boars, giving, as I have always said, the meat to charity and selling the other party to use the proceeds for environmental interventions. In this regard, I also mention another article, again from recent days, on the dangerous presence of wild boars also of large tonnage in the central Via Campidoglio of Ceprano and the appeal to put in place actions to control the phenomenon before other misfortunes happen "(Ciociaria Today).