Boar hunting: Dino S., 63, died after two hours of agony and a desperate attempt to resuscitation by the staff of a 118 ambulance.
The hunting accident took place around 8 on Sunday morning in Zuradili, in the countryside of Marrubiu, on the slopes of Monte Arci. According to the reconstruction provided by the hunters themselves, and confirmed by the surveys carried out by the Carabinieri of the Marrubiu Station and the Company of Oristano, the death of the hunter would be the result of a tragic fatality.
The hunter was at the post along the edge of a fire barrier more than 50 meters from the batting partner who fired. The shot missed the boar and hit a stone. The bullet bounced and went back diagonally, hitting the pensioner who was in fact at a distance of about fifty meters.
The rescue of the batting mates was immediate, In a short time the 118 ambulance arrived, later also the helicopter that was supposed to transport him to the hospital, but every attempt to save the life of Dino S., who he was married and father of three, it was useless.
Source: The Sardinian Union