The Management Committee ofTerritorial Area of Hunting Florence-Prato approved with a recent resolution the authorization to carry out the hunted wild boar hunt for today, Monday 26 December 2016. It is a day that represents an alternative to one of the next three days of your choice, viz Wednesday 28 December, Saturday 31 December e Sunday 1st January 2017.
The approved resolution is number 76 and the committee took its cue from article 7 of paragraph 2.2 of the 2016-2017 hunting calendar of Tuscany (entitled "Hunting periods and huntable species"). The goal of this decision is to improve the organization of hunting, in full compliance with the three weekly hunting days.
The Florence-Prato Hunting Area, as the name suggests, includes the territory of the Metropolitan City of Florence and the province of Prato. Its establishment dates back to the end of 2014, when it was decided to redesign the territorial and organizational structure of the Tuscan ATCs. The area in question is divided into two sub-areas, namely sub-area 4 (formerly ATC Florence 4) and sub-area 5 (formerly ATC Florence 5).