Benevento: News from the regulation on wild boar hunting
(21 June) The Provincial Wildlife Hunting Technical Committee of Benevento has approved the provincial regulation for the wildlife-hunting management of wild boar. The Committee, which was attended by the delegated provincial councilor, Gianluca Aceto, at the proposal of the same, accepted the thesis according to which it will be forbidden to hunt wild boars that have not reached 30 kg in the Sannio. of weight: therefore, the disagreements expressed in previous meetings on this point have been overcome. On the other hand, the rule of the regulation on the closing time of hunting parties remains unchanged, which is not brought forward to 14 pm as previously assumed.
The Wildlife Committee has also accepted the requests to pass the Municipality of Solopaca from the Valle Isclero District to the Matese - Valle Telesina District, and the Municipalities of Molinara and San Marco dei Cavoti from the Lower Tammaro District to that of Fortore - Alto Tammaro, considered more suitable. by hunting tradition and orographic characteristics. Finally, the Committee examined for further discussion the provincial regulations for hunting wildlife management in the recovery and capture areas, which will be definitively approved as soon as possible. The provincial councilor Aceto, in commenting on the outcome of the meeting of the Committee, remarked how the Sannio can boast an important milestone in the hunting field, being among the very few southern provinces to have a regulation in this sector. Aceto wanted to underline that this regulation is the result of consultation, discussion and comparison of opinions, in transparency, between the requests of environmental associations and those of the hunting world.