Latest generation traps
Two hundred thousand euros are available to the Municipalities of Basilicata for the purchase of latest generation traps ("PigBrig", manhole covers, cages) intended for catching wild boars, which have become a serious problem for urban centers where the presence of animals represents a risk to public health and the safety of citizens . Local authorities have until December 10th to request regional contributions by participating in the public notice published in the Official Bulletin of November 10th. “With an assignment of very simple scores – explained the regional councilor for agricultural policies, Alessandro Galella in a press conference – we believe we can already give the Municipalities the opportunity to equip themselves with cages in January. For decades, wild boars have reproduced in our protected areas, which are numerous in our territory. ISPRA calculates that today there are around 100.000 wild boars present in Basilicata. Impressive numbers, like in no other region of Italy. For comparison, there are around 1500 specimens in the Aosta Valley."
Capture systems
The beneficiaries of the Region's notice are the Municipalities, with the exception of those that fall entirely within the Park bodies. The installation of temporary capture systems and attractive foraging can also be financed, for a contribution of up to a maximum of three thousand euros. A higher score will be granted to administrations that border protected areas. The incidence of road accidents and the size of the area administered are also taken into account. “Basilicata has extraordinary conditions – continued Galella – for which we must implement extraordinary solutions. We are also working with the selecontrollers inside the parks to try to reduce the number of wild boars as much as possible. Soon, we believe by mid-December, we will republish the tender for the creation of the wild boar supply chain, with incentives for hunters, which follows the entire process of wild boar meat processing, from delivery to transformation, up to the creation of a logo that can make the product increasingly known and requested. It is an important intervention, worth around three million euros, which was delayed due to the restrictions due to swine fever and to adapt it to the new rules of the Procurement Code. We will be the only region in Italy to hold a competition like this, to offer opportunities to transform a problem into a resource".
Meat to preserve
Among the other initiatives of the department, the councilor recalled the contributions, amounting to 100 thousand euros (20 thousand euros for each territorial hunting area) aimed at the purchase of cold storage rooms, necessary especially in the summer period to give the possibility to hunters to conserve meat, and funds for areas where there are limitations on self-consumption due to swine fever. “As far as farmers are concerned – Galella continued – to protect crops, through another public notice we have financed the installation of fences with over two million euros. There are 83 companies that have benefited from me. We are also settling the damage caused by wild boars to motorists." The press conference was attended by the general director Emilia Piemontese and the regional official, Agnese Lanzieri, who illustrated the technical aspects of the tender and other regional measures (source: Basilicata Region).