Italian Widerness Association: in Abruzzo still a dead bear hit while crossing the Rome - L'Aquila highway. Effective measures are urgently needed.
It happened again. Not along the roads that cross the Abruzzo National Park, but along one of the main highways in Italy: the Rome-L'Aquila. Another dead Marsican bear, but far from his Marsica. Now there will be those who may be clamoring to extend hyper-barriers along all the highways of the central Apennines, as warning signs have been requested along the roads of the Park and even "bollard" panels. Everything except what you need!
The bear has been saying what it wants with its behavior for years, but no one seems to understand it, and least of all the many (too many!) Experts on this animal understand it. Faced with these facts, as a well-known TV presenter said, “A question arises spontaneously”: but why don't these bears stay in the Abruzzo National Park where they once lived solitary, healthy, numerous and protected? Yet the park has become bigger and bigger, and we would like it bigger and bigger (obviously only to be able to close other territories to hunting; even if it may seem absurd to some, the only human activity that cannot be blamed for the death of bears ).
For years the bear has been away from the Park disturbed by the hiking tourism triggered in the 70s (and increasingly aimed at this animal: once they were occasional, hoped-for encounters, today we go on a trip without fail to observe them - a payment!) and in search of that food of anthropogenic origin that it no longer finds due to the slow regression of agriculture and sheep farming and the competition with deer and wild boar in its primary habitat.
There is only one way to save the Marsican Bear: apply the 5 points that the writer and the AIW have been proposing for decades. Spreading computer extrapolations on population counts to the media to convince us that the population has increased is useless, because no one has proof that these extrapolations are correct and truly indicative of a situation that was and remains DRAMATIC. It is not with continuous counting and other studies that the Marsican bear will be saved, but by creating oases of peace for it and ensuring that it will find abundant food in them and in its vicinity.
1. Strict tourist control, with absolute closure to all, of not a few wild territories to be reserved for the bear, with no exceptions whatsoever;
2. Conspicuous cultivation of agricultural land, now abandoned, with crops to be lost, to be defended with the construction of “Finamore fences”;
3. Encouragement of sheep herding, today increasingly abandoned and / or prohibited, possibly with initiatives directly managed by the public apparatuses;
4. Severe control, with a drastic reduction in attendance, of the wild boar (but also of the deer) in the Park area and its surrounding areas;
5. Absolute block to any urban development project outside the inhabited and habitable areas (i.e. areas D of the Park) in the primary habitat area.
Signed by Franco Zunino
(May 13, 2013)