DNA sampling
Swabs for DNA sampling in the Emergency Department in the event of an attack by canids, to identify the attacking animal with certainty. This is the meaning of the motion signed by the Lega that will be discussed soon in the Council Chamber at the Pirellone. The regional councilor of the Lega intervenes on the merits Floriano Massardi, President of the Agriculture, Mountains and Forests Commission of Palazzo Pirelli, promoter of the motion, who explains: “The aim is to collect, following attacks or predation suffered, DNA samples directly from the wounds or damaged tissue of the victims, both human and animal, in order to distinguish whether it is a wolf or a dog-wolf hybrid”.
The merciless numbers
This is,” explains Massardi, “an important step forward in the management of wolf bites because it is being asked to provide that in the Lombardy Emergency Departments (both those for humans and animals) DNA samples are taken from wounds caused by bites from predators, with particular attention to wolves”. “According to Coldiretti data”, continues Massardi, “over the last ten years, throughout Italy, predators have contributed to the closure of 800 stables and killed 65.000 heads of sheep and goats. In Lombardy alone, there have been around 150 predations and 300 sightings in the last six months. The presence of predators, even near homes in populated areas, is no longer a taboo. Sightings are daily and with them the concern of the inhabitants grows.”
Regional borders
"Thanks to these swabs, it will be possible to publish a detailed picture of predation, divided between farm animals and domestic animals, divided by municipality and province of belonging. In this way, we will be able to quantify with precision the presence of the wolf within the regional borders, so as to be able to implement the most effective control measures, for the protection of farms and above all of our tourists and inhabitants", concludes the regional councilor of the Carroccio. (Source Lega Press Office - Lega Lombarda Salvini)