Correct behaviors
“The presence of the wolf in Veneto even in inhabited areas it is increasingly frequent, in particular in recent weeks there have been new sightings in various areas of Veneto and in Polesine where two packs are present along the Po river. For this reason it is essential that citizens adopt correct behaviors in the event of encounters with wolves. To this end, as a Region, in collaboration with the Carabinieri Forestali, we have prepared an information brochure that was recently distributed to the mayors of Veneto. It is recommended not to abandon waste and food near homes, not to offer food to the wolf so as not to teach the animal to associate the presence of people with the availability of easy food, to protect domestic animals. In the event of an encounter with a wolf that shows confident behavior, the invitation is to call the authorities at 112”.
Sightings of the last few days
The regional councilor for Territory and Hunting, Cristiano Corazzari, intervenes with these words to the news of the various sightings of the wolf that have occurred in recent days. The Veneto Region has sent to all the mayors of the municipalities of the regional territory an information brochure containing the correct behaviors to be put into practice in the event of encounters with the wolf, with the request to give maximum dissemination to citizens.
Renewed commitment
"The wolf is persistently returning to urban centers in search of food, it is a presence we are not used to and that is worrying - continues the councilor -. The Region has renewed its commitment to monitoring activities for this year to study numbers and behavior, and the first indications show that the species is also expanding in the plains. To contain its descent towards urban centers, the collaboration of all citizens is important. And for this reason I launch an appeal to put into practice correct behaviors indicated by experts, in order to more forcefully counter dangerous confident attitudes that bring the wolf into inhabited areas and near homes" (Source VENETO REGION).