A question to be resolved
MEP Paolo Borchia, Provincial Secretary of the League of Verona and head of delegation to the European Parliament, has released a very important note in the last few hours regarding the wolf question. The species represents a problem of no small importance in this area of the Veneto, as in other areas of Italy for that matter.
Citizens in danger
Here are the words of the Hon. Borchia: “Following the latest episode that occurred in the Oasi Menago in Bovolone, where a pack of wolves preyed on several livestock, it is essential to act urgently. This event, which occurred a few steps away from homes, highlights the growing danger of the situation and the need for immediate intervention by the new executive of the European Union. It is unacceptable that wolves can continue to climb over fences and put the safety of animals and local communities at risk”.
Measure concrete
“Therefore, I have sent a formal letter to Jessika Roswall, European Commissioner for the Environment, to ask for a commitment to respect the will expressed by the Bern Convention to downgrade the wolf’s protection status. It is time to adopt concrete and targeted measures to ensure responsible management of wildlife, in line with what is established by the convention itself. The latest attacks on deer in the plains, added to the continuous ambushes in Lessinia and the sightings in Dossobuono, are only the latest sign of a situation that is now unsustainable, which requires attention and decisive action”.