The species included
With Decree of the Director of the Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate no. 03 of 09 January 2025, in implementation of DGR 2032 of 30/12/2024, the call for proposals for the 2025 year of Intervention SRD04 – Action 1 – Category 1.7 “Investments to improve the coexistence between agriculture, livestock farming and wild fauna, including ungulates (wild boars and deer) and species of community interest protected by Dir. 92/43/EEC (wolf, lynx, brown bear and Golden jackal). "
Interventions to facilitate
The intervention aims to facilitate interventions to allow peaceful coexistence between farmers/breeders and wild fauna with particular reference to the wolf, a species of community interest protected by Dir. 92/43/EEC.
Purchases and realizations
In particular, the creation/purchase of the following is admissible:
1. fixed or mobile fences, electrified or without electric protection, for the protection of animals from wild fauna (wolves) during grazing and for night shelter.
2. Acoustic/light or other deterrent systems to scare away wolves;
3. Guard dogs.
The recipients of the call are individual and associated agricultural entrepreneurs. Applications for support can be submitted from 05 February 2025 until 07 May 2025, 13.00:XNUMX (source: Marche Region).