The Board of Wood pigeon club has "sanctioned" the end of migration as far as the species of his interest is concerned. Here is what was written in the last note of the association: "Now that we can say it ... finished, we all have more or less an idea of wood pigeon migration 2018: partly because we lived it directly, partly because we talked about it with friends and acquaintances and partly because we have read about it more or less in depth on the web ... .. (our forum, thanks to the participation of many dovecotes, he was, like every year, an excellent messenger).
However, if we want to put in a row the many aspects of the last migration and do beyond the count of wood pigeons also the count of the many factors that have determined the pace on some directions rather than on others .... we must rely on the study of data collected by a few hundred detectors scattered in various regions of the central north. The data entered in special booklets will be processed in the coming months and then made public both on our website and in the Club magazine…. Colombaccio Italia project. These few lines are also and above all a reminder for all the detectors, friends and collaborators of the Club.
By December it would be important to deliver to Rinaldo Bucchi i Booklets of Selective Migration Monitoring -MSM - while the deadline for the delivery of the Project Colombaccio Italia booklets, headed by Dr. Sauro Giannerini, is the end of January 2019. Interested and curious about the results that will provide us with an in-depth picture of 2018 migration, we feel once again to thank all hunters / detectors / collaborators and our scholars… Sauro Giannerini, Rinaldo Bucchi and Enrico Cavina… ..thank you all very much ”.