Regional calendar
Requests for clarification continue regarding the possibility of harvesting of the woodcock species. Let's try to put things in order: the provisions contained in the regional hunting calendar approved in the first instance apply. Therefore, woodcock hunting takes place from half an hour after the time established for the period and reported on the hunting license.
The areas concerned
The possible hunting areas, exclusively in ATC of course, are the same as those for waterfowl, namely:
in marshes, ponds and artificial bodies of water set up for at least the entire year and their banks, in wet or flooded stubble;
in the following lakes and watercourses and the relative 50-metre band from the respective wave head:
Lakes Garda and Iseo;
Oglio River: from the Sarnico floodgates to the border with Cremona in the municipality of Ostiano;
River Mella: from the Milan/Venice railway line to its confluence with the River Oglio;
Chiese River: from the Gavardo bridge to the border with the province of Mantua;
Strone River: from Scarpizzolo in the Municipality of San Paolo, to its confluence with the Oglio River in Pontevico;
Gambara River: from the Cuchetta farmhouse in the municipality of Leno, up to the border with the province of Cremona below Fiesse.
Extreme synthesis
In all this territory woodcock hunting is allowed until January 20th EXCLUSIVELY on SATURDAY and SUNDAY. Translated for all those interested in woodcock hunting it means the next two weekends on January 11th and 12th and on January 18th and 19th. Except of course for any particular frosts of which you can have news on the woodcock weather forecast; the one published until January 13th does not include limitations (Federcaccia Brescia – CACCIAPENSIERI).