The latest news
After Conero Extra a few days ago, they left for the pre-nuptial migration also the other woodcock wintering in the Marche called Conero 3 and one from Puglia, called Salento 2, the first is now in Hungary, while the second has reached Montenegro. This first flight of Conero 3 is estimated at 460 km, while that of Salento 2 at around 310 km.
previous years of study
The migration start dates are in line with what was obtained in previous years of study, and are confirming once again the absence of migratory movements in January, we recall that these woodcocks were marked in December or in the first days of January .
Wintering places
Other woodcocks marked with GPS-GSM transmitters are still on their wintering grounds in various Italian regions, from Calabria to Emilia-Romagna, Molise, Piedmont and Pantelleria. We expect new migratory movements in the next few days, of which we will give immediate news.