Hunting: 9th Edition of the Songbirds Fair kicks off in Casnigo (BG) this Saturday 27 August 2011.
Singing competition for decoy birds Saturday 27 August 2011 will be held, again at the beautiful Sanctuary of SS. Trinità di Casnigo (BG), the 9th edition of the Songbirds Fair, in memory of Giuliano Astori, organized by the ANUUMigratorist Sections of Casnigo, Cazzano Sant'Andrea, Gandino, Leffe and Vertova.
The event will open at 5,30, while from 6,45 to 9,00 there will be the usual checks by the jury. At 10,30 the awards ceremony and at 11,00 the Chioccolo Race.
The species of birds in competition are: Blackbird, Song Thrush, Redwing, Lark, Chaffinch, Tordina and Goldfinch.
To underline the participation of the Falconry Group of the Modern Falconry of Lentate sul Seveso (MI) and the stand of the Bergamo Ornithological Association, various sector stalls, exhibition of dogs and birds.
For information contact Ms. Manuela Vian, President of the ANUUMigratoristi Group of Cazzano Sant'Andrea (tel. 035/724339, cell. 333/6189608) or Mr. Giampiero Zilioli of the ANUUMigratoristi di Casnigo Group (cell. 338/3247014).
Registrations will close by 6,30 am on 27/08/11.
The events may undergo changes, therefore it is advisable to check the event by contacting the organizing bodies directly. Caccia Passione is not responsible for any changes to the dates of individual events.
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