In recent days, during a check by the Provincial Police of Spoleto, the agents arrested, in the locality of Roselli, a man who practiced hunting without having the necessary documentation.
The poacher had already shot down a blackbird, whose hunting is not allowed in this period, and when asked to show his license, the man reported that he had left it at some premises of his property located not far away.
Once they arrived at the indicated place, the Provincial Police agents were able to ascertain that the man had two rifles in his garage for which a different place of custody had instead been reported; to this is added that the poacher held single bullet cartridges never reported to the Authorities as expected.
Once the checks were completed, the men of the Provincial Police reported the Spoleto poacher on the loose to answer for the crimes of abusive carrying of weapons, omitted custody of weapons and ammunition, possession of unreported bullet ammunition, omitted reporting of change in the place of detention of the weapons; as regards the killed blackbird, the man was also sanctioned for the killing of species in an illegal period.