![Wild boars in herd](https://www.cacciapassione.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/1439541148-1638359771-cinghiale-in-branco-2.jpg)
Hunting and Fauna: Emilia Romagna, Tommaso Foti accuses, "Too many wild boars, the Region is sleeping"; the reply from the councilor for agriculture, Simona Caselli, “Wait the necessary time to check the results of the measures implemented”.
On the recent position taken by the representatives of the agricultural world (Coldiretti and Unione Agricoltori) regarding the damage caused by the presence on the territory of ungulates, in particular boars, the Piacenza regional councilor Tommaso Foti intervenes who, in recent months, had presented a question on the matter. The exponent of Fratelli d'Italia, in particular, asked the council "if and what initiatives - also in agreement with the Provinces, the Territorial Areas of Hunting (ATC), protected areas, wildlife hunting companies and agricultural associations - intended to take for a lasting reduction of the ungulates and, consequently, of the damage caused by them. "
The councilor for agriculture Simona Caselli, in the response made in recent days to Foti, underlines that "the Region, in recent years, has made significant efforts to contain the damage caused by wildlife to agricultural production", and highlights that “The most problematic species is however represented by the wild boar which, although showing a decrease (from 350.000 euros in 2009 to 227.000 euros in 2014) continues to cause particularly significant damage”.
Caselli therefore recalls the agreement between the Emilia-Romagna Region and each Province "in which specific commitments have been envisaged aimed at achieving ungulate density indices both for the Provinces themselves, as managers of some faunal institutes, both for the territorial hunting areas (ATC), as implementing bodies of wildlife management, and for the protected areas and, finally, for the private areas ".
“The culling in selection of wild boar, a highly effective practice evidenced by the significant reduction in damage where it was systematically exercised - says the councilor for agriculture - it affected only a limited part of the regional territory due to the lack of satisfaction shown by the hunting world ". Caselli concludes by observing that "since the approval of the Provincial Plans, only one hunting season has elapsed in the best of cases: consequently, the Council deems it appropriate, before putting in place new ideas and modifying the previously detailed initiatives, to wait for the time necessary to verify the results of what has been planned up to now ".
Acid the comment of Foti, for which "it is evident that the Region underestimates a very serious problem, even going so far as to blame its diffusion in the hunting world, and this while the presence of wild boars is no longer reported only in the hills, but also at the gates of the city." The exponent of the Brothers of Italy in reiterating the need for "extraordinary interventions for the reduction of ungulates, with all due respect to the sleeping region" also recalls recent mournful news stories "from which it emerges that the underestimation of the presence of wild boars is to be irresponsible ".
(31 August 2015)
Source: IlPiacenza