At the end of Hunting Village, National Exhibition of Hunting and Shooting which took place in Bastia Umbra, the guys of the Mallard project together with the Territorial Area of Caccia Macerata 2 and ACMA and Federcaccia trace a balance of this experience. They were three unforgettable days, the success of the project was exceptional, already from the first day there was a lot of curiosity on the part of the public, flyers were distributed with the whole explanation of the project and the construction of the nest, hunters from all over Italy have asked for explanations and given their opinions and we have also discovered that there are boys who have already reproduced the nests and they are working from them too.
Therefore the results obtained were certainly very positive. The involvement of many hunters in wildlife management is certainly essential to obtain these results, and creates an excellent prerequisite for continuing to place these artificial nests in many wetlands by increasing the number of structures, aimed at increasing the species Mallard.
Now we just have to keep working like this and think about new projects to carry out. It is certainly not the time to stop indeed, there are already new ideas in the pipeline and new expectations for the next Caccia Village. A warm thanks to all those who want to continue to carry out this type of projects (The Provincial President Macerata hunting federation - Nazzareno Galassi).