Zanoni addresses above all to the minister of the environment, Corrado Clini, and to the minister of agriculture, Mario Catania, sensitizing them to intervene to stop the planned slaughter of about forty deer in the Cansiglio state reserve; according to the MEP, local restaurants and farmhouses have already booked the meat obtained from the killing of ungulates.
Zanoni states on the issue, “Everyone must know that it will be an open-air butcher's shop. It will be a real legalized slaughter in a state-owned forest, where hunting has always been forbidden ”.
Continuing Zanoni says, "I wonder what the Ministers Clini and Catania and the Head of the State Forestry Corps think of all this given that the latter also makes available his men" guardians of nature "to perpetrate these killings".
Continuing, Zanoni explains, “Today I sent them a letter on the situation, informing them of what is happening in Cansiglio and asking for their immediate intervention. I will shortly present a question to the European Commission, because I believe the EU Directive "Habitat 92/43 / EEC" is violated, also considering that the Cansiglio is a Site of Community Importance ".
Finally, he criticizes Zanoni, “In this period, moreover, there are mainly pregnant females who will be killed unnecessarily. It's a horrible thing: with a single bullet they will end two lives, that of the mother and her cub. These are useless and unjustified killings, which will be carried out by the hunting guards and the State Forestry Corps due to the greed for profit of the local restaurants ”.
Meanwhile, on April 21, a conference on "Veneto agriculture" will take place in Tambre (BL) in which the impact of deer on the forest undergrowth, the impact and damage to the meadows and pastures of the Cansiglio and the plain will be discussed. control of ungulates.
The conference will be attended by the regional councilors Franco Manzato and Daniele Stival, the technician of the Region, Giorgio Cester, the president of Anpa / Free farmers Veneto, Furio Vennarucci, the representatives of eneto Agricoltura, Michele Bottazzo and Giustino Mezzalira, for the University of Padua , Maurizio Ramanzin and again from the Anpa, Paolo Casagrande who comments on the conference “I hope that by that date, the control plan is already in place, we have been waiting for it for two years”.