On Monday 6 December, the meeting of the board of theBiodiversity, Hunting & Country Side Intergroup, within which the President Amaro presented the new program for the year 2022. The proposals presented concern the European Forest Strategy, the global commitments for protected areas, international hunting, trophy and future of rural areas in Europe. To these are added a couple of events organized by the secretariat, relating to conservation in private territories, large carnivores, birdlife and the future of lead in ammunition in Europe, as well as a focus on migration related to climate change.
Within the limits allowed by the pandemic, almost two years after the establishment of the biodiversity, hunting and rural culture intergroup, the Vice-President Marco Dreosto also decided to inform the Italian hunting world on the activities carried out: "2020 was an important year for the hunting world, for the decisive role that hunters have played in translating key strategies such as that on biodiversity and for countless initiatives carried out in the Member States for the benefit of huntable and non-huntable species.
In 2021 we managed to include it in the Biodiversity Strategy a balanced text as regards strictly protected areas, in order to promote local decision-making and a crucial reference to the full implementation of the Habitat Directive it has been included as a guarantee that the issue of large carnivores is finally addressed by the European Commission ”.
Dreosto also highlighted how and above all, a continuous and intense monitoring activity and raising awareness of the members of the European Parliament, has allowed us to reject the subtle anti-hunt proposals, such as those on the ban on the consumption and possession of game and onuse of antibiotics in animals, which would have had serious effects for the care of hunting dogs, birds of prey and livestock.