Wild boar hunting in the province of Genoa and wild boar monitoring are a very important activity as it is estimated that there are between 10 and 15.000 wild boars. This large ungulate, which can reach 80 kilos in weight and lives in flocks, is the cause of serious damage to what little agriculture still remains on the territory, since it enters the gardens and eats everything it finds, even digging with its snout in search. of roots. This happens more and more frequently, because the favorite food of wild boars, the chestnut, which is found in the woods and therefore far from gardens and houses, has undergone a dramatic reduction in recent years due to a parasite of the chestnut tree, the wasp: the hungry beasts are therefore forced to leave the woods and go in search of food where they find it, in the gardens and near the houses. This is why the presence of wild boars is increasingly recorded in urbanized and coastal areas, where there are more vegetable gardens. The sightings are more and more numerous, the requests for damages from the farmers also and the road accidents of cars and motorcycles that hit the wild boars on the roads are multiplying. To counter the presence of wild boars, hunting for these ungulates is open in the four months from the beginning of October to the end of January, which can be done two days a week, and is regulated by the Liguria Region and the Province of Genoa. : in the last hunting season, between the end of 2013 and the beginning of this year, a contingent of 10.500 slaughterable wild boars was set. However, at the end of the season the number of animals killed slightly exceeded 5.000, due to numerous days of bad weather and the 6-day stop to hunting decreed by the TAR following appeals made by animal welfare associations. Preliminary to the hunting activity is the monitoring of wild boars, a sort of census of these animals that the Province makes in 90 sites of its territory, in collaboration with the two Territorial Hunting Areas, that of Ponente and that of Levante, with the Joint Farmers-Hunters Roccabruna Commission and with the wild boar hunting teams. To do the monitoring, a week of baiting is done, that is, moderate quantities of feed are left in the places known to be frequented by wild boars, as long as they are far from homes and crops. Then he expects the beasts to arrive. SILVIO BORRELLI - Province of Genoa, hunting and fishing service An irreplaceable contribution to the success of the monitoring comes from the wild boar hunting teams ALDO ROSSI - Volunteer The hunting teams play a precious role also for the defense and maintenance of the territory
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