Hunting Dogs: World Championships for Pointing Dogs and Sant'Uberto in Pieve Santo Stefano, in the province of Arezzo on 25, 26 and 27 October 2014.
The official inauguration of the 36th edition of the Practical Hunting and San Uberto World Championships is now shortly after, which will be held at 15,00 pm on Friday 24 October in Pieve Santo Stefano (AR) with the greetings of the authorities, the Organizing Committee and the presentation of the teams. Saturday 25th the competition on the splendid grounds of the federal center of Collacchioni will immediately enter the heart of the competition with the first day dedicated to the Championship for pointing dogs. The athletes of S. Uberto will be on stage the following day, Sunday 26, to leave then on the last day, Monday 27, practical hunting once again the protagonist. Three days of great dog lovers, entertainment, sporting and physical commitment for handlers and dogs, but also conviviality and the desire to be together in the name of a passion that unites practitioners from all over Europe.
"As president of the Italian Federation of Hunting, but above all as a dog lover and hunter, I am really pleased that Italy will host this edition of the World Championship" declared President Federcaccia Gian Luca Dall'Olio. “It is with great pleasure that in my name and in the name of the Federation I represent, but I think I can also say about all the Italian fans, I extend a warm welcome to the competitors from most of Europe.
The constant and continuous growth, quantitative and qualitative, of this Championship, whose birth and organization has seen us involved over the years, is a source of satisfaction. The close link between competitive discipline and hunting is evident, with which it shares the relationship with the auxiliary, the need to develop that ability to read the terrain and the mastery of the behavior of the wild that allows you to guide the hunting action. to its natural conclusion, which must never be the result of chance, but of experience and knowledge.
A relationship with dogs, the environment and the wild that is certainly typical of the competitors who have come to compete in these Championships and that through their example is important to become a stimulus to raise the level of those who, even without taking part in competitions, intend hunting and specifically hunting with the dog, not only as a function of the game bag, but as a moment in which a set of ethical, technical and cynological values are applied that mark the difference of a certainly more complete and aware hunter. Here I believe, beyond the competitive aspect, the importance of this and other similar events for the whole Hunt ”.
“After 8 years the World Hunting Championships for pointing dogs and San Uberto are back in Italy” echoes the vice president Antonio D'Angelo, Delegate for dog lovers and sports activities. The federal area of Collacchioni in Pieve Santo Stefano that hosts them is undoubtedly one of the flagships of our country for the quality of the areas, the wild, the organization of events and more generally represent a splendid example of biodiversity in a managed reality. Well knowing the value of the Collacchioni Staff, under the direction of Domenico Coradeschi, I am sure that our guests will all feel at ease and will be put in a position to best express their potential and those of the auxiliaries who accompany them .
As vice president with responsibility for sports activities, I extend my most sincere and warm welcome to all participating nations. Of course, I cannot fail to say a big 'Good luck' to our athletes, who, aware of their qualities and determination, will be able to fight to the last to win the coveted victory, but I wish the competitors of the other representatives as much luck and satisfaction. . On this occasion I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the selectors Luconi, Chiappetta and Frigato, who, together with many valid colleagues, have selected the best among our athletes ”.
And here is the Italian team:
S.UBERTO MEN: Mazzoleni Mariliano; Fabrizio Muccioli; Moscato Onofrio ris
S. UBERTO SPANIEL: Marco Carretti; Brizzi Alessandro; Michelucci Simone res
S. UBERTO LADIES: Mambelli Elisa; Cecconi Mirella; Gobbi Paola res
English breeds: Pianigiani Stefano + ris; Marco died; Pardini Paolo + res; Ghinassi Carlo
Continental Breeds: Pezzulli Mauro; Roberto shoes (2 dogs); Cecchetto Luciano + res
Finally, a dutiful but heartfelt thanks to Kalibro, who supplied the elegant and practical uniforms of our national team.
(21 October 2014)
Italian Federation of Hunting