Caccia Village 2014 invests in culture: hunter and dog, small game, reloading, trophies, all in Bastia Umbria (PG) on 17-18-19 May 2014.
As per tradition, the Bastia Umbra event, alongside the vast exhibition and market exhibition, is accompanied by a rich cultural program, the themes of great interest for the hunting world have already been defined. “Hunting Village and Culture” is now an inseparable combination and an appointment that all hunters are waiting for to be able to leave the event with the pleasure of feeling enriched in their knowledge. This is the philosophy of the organizer who once again this year has sought with diligence and constancy topics of interest for all those who will arrive at Caccia Village on 17-18-19 May 2014 and all those who, even if they cannot be there, will be able to enjoy the focus on the internet on It starts on Saturday 17 with dog lovers and the man-hunter relationship. The focus from the title "HUNTER DOG BOND: INFINITE STORY, TECHNOLOGICAL TODAY!" wants to revisit in a modern key this combination that history and prehistory have proved inseparable. Man and dog have joined their fortunes since the dawn of time. At first exclusively utilitarian bond, it has been transformed in the modern era into mutual affection and complicity in the exercise of passions and sporting activities. Among these, hunting, where today as 10.000 years ago man and dog immerse themselves in vast and wild environments in search of prey and the emotions of searching for him. The unbridled passion for hunting the wild is in some cases the most important enemy of the indissoluble dog-hunter bond. The dog thrown on the aisle travels important distances even in hostile environments, denied to the athletic qualities of man. The result is that the bond is broken, dog and owner lose track of each other and the day that began in the name of passion ends in drama. Today, however, technology comes to the rescue to ensure that the hunting days are only full of pleasure.
It then continues with another theme of great fascination for the hunter and of high scientific value for modern hunting. "EVALUATION OF UNGULATE TROPHIES: CRITERIA AND SCIENTIFIC IMPORTANCE"; the focus is dedicated to science, as required by a correct management of the ungulate fauna, but purely practical in its development, cared for with high expertise and a "parterre de Roi" of national experts and organized by Urca Umbria. The history and evolution of trophies, the technique and the meaning of trophy measurement will be described. And there will be a practical demonstration of measurement and attribution of CIC points on Cervidi trophies (Roe deer - Fallow deer - Cervo).
The pheasant and its management difficulties are the next topic proposed in the focus on Saturday 17. "CRITICALITY OF THE PHeasant" is the current, not definitive title of the focus. The Italic population of the galliforme has been in crisis in recent years and the annual repopulation operations are marking time in the results. The Wildlife Observatory of the Umbria Region, together with ATC Perugia 1 and nationally renowned experts, will analyze the state of the art of the research and the possible solutions being studied to identify new management models.
Sunday 18 we start again with an extremely suggestive focus "THE DOMESTIC CHARGE OF BALL AMMUNITION" aimed at hunting but certainly also very popular with those who make shooting a great passion. The increase in the number of ungulates on the national territory has led many enthusiasts to shift their attention to these wild animals and to the weapons and ammunition necessary for their collection. At the same time, in search of the ideal ammunition in the armory, many hunters try their hand at home reloading. Let's see how to best perfect DIY ammunition with a careful eye on safety. A nationally renowned expert will guide us in the universe of notions useful for safely packaging an excellent rifled barrel cartridge.
The last venator-scientific focus is dedicated to dog lovers and this year a breed from our home is on the scene. "ITALIAN SPINONE: THE HUNTER OF THE BEL PAESE" is the title of the significant focus organized by Cisp Umbria in collaboration with many experts of the breed. The Spinone Italiano, together with the Bracco Italiano is the "Canis Noster". Present next to the Italian hunter since the dawn of time, still with us, today and tomorrow. Evolution of the breed, use in hunting and in competitive dog lovers. The prospects for relaunch and consolidation among the elite of pointing dogs.
It closes with a flourish with an extremely interesting focus which is difficult to resist from the title "THE CENTENARY RIFLE: THE MONTECARLO IMPERIAL BY GINO BARTALI". The double Imperiale Montecarlo that the cycling champion Gino Bartali commissioned from Franchi will be presented and the object of a pleasant dissemination, made with wonderful engravings by the master Francesco Medici. A parallel that goes backwards, between the champion hunter and his weapon. Fidasc, which proposes the project conceived by the owner of the gun Giovanni Villa, will host the gun in its stand on Saturday and Sunday and is pleased to have organized this interesting focus, which will certainly meet the favor of many enthusiasts.
Therefore, memorize the days and topics (you will always find them updated on, they may undergo small variations in terms of titles, but the themes will remain so, for your pleasure and for that of the organizer to have them developed.
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