With a Press Release of May 31, 2012, the Province of Grosseto announces that registrations are open for the second examination session for the qualification to practice hunting; aspiring hunters will be able to submit applications by 9 June. The written test will be held on Thursday 14 June, at 15 pm, at the Technical Institute for Surveyors, “A Manetti”, in via de Barberi 30, in Grosseto.
Citizens who have reached the age of eighteen, resident or domiciled in the province of Grosseto can be admitted to the examination. Applications, drawn up using the appropriate form and a 14,62 euro duty stamp, must be submitted by 9 June, to the Province of Grosseto - Nature Conservation Service, Via Trieste number 5, 58100 Grosseto. They can be mailed or delivered by hand.
The application must contain all the personal details and in particular the tax code of the applicant; the original certificate of physical fitness to practice hunting issued by the competent health authority on a date not earlier than six months from the date of submission of the application); photocopy of an identity document.
The exam consists of a written and an oral test on the following subjects: hunting legislation, zoology applied to hunting, hunting weapons and ammunition, nature protection and principles of safeguarding agricultural crops, first aid rules, wild boar hunting.
The notions are contained in the text approved by the Regional Executive Decree n.3729 of 31/07/2006, which can be downloaded directly from the website of the Province following the following path: www.provincia.grosseto.it/hunting - Wildlife Hunting Activities - qualifications.
On the same site you will find the form for completing the application, the manual for the preparation of the exam in pdf format, the text containing 448 quizzes, the animal recognition tables. The manual can also be requested from the offices in via Trieste. Once you have passed the exam and obtained the certificate of qualification for hunting from the Province, you can request a license from the Grosseto Police Headquarters. Info 0564.484563.
Province of Grosseto