Hunting: Sardinia, the hunters of Siniscola (NU) protest for the contents of the new 2015-2016 Hunting Calendar, “Plan drawn up without knowing the territory at all”.
The Hunting Calendar for the Season of hunting 2015/2016 and immediately a strong protest by the hunters of the Siniscola area starts. Compared to last season's calendar, hunting days are increased from 17 to 27, for the period from November 31st to January XNUMXst. Contrary to what one might think, Siniscola's self-managed partners speak of a calendar drawn up without a minimum criterion of knowledge of the problems of the territory, nor of what consequences there would be with a massive increase in wild boar hunting days. In fact, every Thursday, in addition to Sundays, is included, which, according to the hunting members, would make it impossible to constantly have local fans on the field who often act as controllers, being unable to participate in midweek hunts due to work commitments. . Therefore, with regard to the presence of off-site hunters, the question is posed of the effective assessment by the ASL on the culled animals, with all the consequences of the case on the consumption of game.
With a letter sent to the Regional Department of Defense of the Environment, a modification of the calendar is requested, suggesting to use that of the past season, modifying only the day of the first of the year with that of the Epiphany. With this action, the Siniscola hunters intend to reiterate their interest that the hunting season does not become a wicked activity, which with the increase in hunting days could jeopardize the wildlife balance of the entire area. For the preparation of a hunting trip they need at least three days of preparation. (14 July 2015)
I love woodcock hunting, hunting dogs and Nature. I'm very interested in hunting news. Editor at Caccia Passione I deal with the development of the Social and Media News areas.
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