Nicola Caputo, Councilor for Agricultural Policies of the Campania region met with the Regional Parks for an update on the actions taken by the Management Bodies of Natura 2000 Areas in execution of the Wild Boar Control Plan for protected areas. They took part in the meeting, representing all managing bodies, the presidents Francesco Iovino, park of Partenio, Luigi Verrengia park of Roccamonfina Foce Del Garigliano and Fabio Guerriero park of Picentini as well as the Criuv group with the director Marina Pompameo and dr. ValerioToscano, prof. Alessandro Fioretti of the FedericoII Department of Veterinary Medicine, prof. Vincenzo Veneziano director of the Regional Wildlife Observatory, dr. Sabatino Troisi coordinator of AreeaParco Faunists e two very young faunists Unina Criuv Dr. Maria Rosaria Bordaro and Dr. Geremiav Bulletti.
"The meeting was useful for soliciting the most virtuous parks to contaminate the other managing bodies that still defaulted in theinitiation of the actions envisaged in the Control Plan also given the emergency represented by the African Swine Fever - says Caputo - The parks present highlighted the enormous progress made in recent months thanks to the support of the CRIUV and the University, unfortunately also called to fill a persistent shortage of administrative staff, in field of control and monitoring also presenting an interesting and extraordinary work carried out by the group of faunists in charge of data collection and monitoring of the wild boar species in protected areas, preparatory work for a conscious and concrete management and control of the species.
From the sharing of the data collected by the working group it emerged clearly how the Sus Scrofa population density in protected areas it represents a value that is no longer tolerable for these sites responsible for the protection and conservation of biodiversity, making interventions with active contrast, management and control measures, which our Region currently at the forefront of the matter, has the obligation to implement and support! ".