Last year's demonstrations The Sicilian Region has approved the wildlife containment plan as proposed after the demonstrations in front of Palazzo d'Orlando. The wildlife management plan approved today by the Regional Council...
See moreDetailsJournalist. Born in Rome in 1982. Many passions, including that for the environment, the territory and rurality, developed thanks to holidays in the Umbria-Marche Apennines and the stories of local hunters. He dedicated part of his studies to agriculture and "green" economics.
Last year's demonstrations The Sicilian Region has approved the wildlife containment plan as proposed after the demonstrations in front of Palazzo d'Orlando. The wildlife management plan approved today by the Regional Council...
See moreDetailsAnother "episode" In the Corriere della Sera, the well-known journalist Beppe Severgnini has delved into the issue of Donald Trump Junior, son of the current American president and who ended up in the news for duck hunting in the Venetian Lagoon. Just today the...
See moreDetailsThe fundamental requirements In reference to what was stated by the regional councilor Andrea Zanoni regarding the administrative procedure for the issuing of the hunting license in favor of foreign citizens with foreign residence, it is highlighted that the regional offices have followed what...
See moreDetailsSuccessful initiative Fondazione UNA – Uomo, Natura, Ambiente – announces the overall results of the third edition of its most representative project, Operazione Paladini del Territorio, which in 2024 involved over 6000 volunteers in 15...
See moreDetailsLocation and date of the event Saturday 15 February from 8.30 to 15.30 at the Sala Carlo Urbani in Monte San Vito (Ancona), an interesting conference on the ecoradar technique will take place, organized by Acma, Ucim – FIdC sectorial – and by the FIdC...
See moreDetailsCurrent Part The Regional Council has established additional criteria for the allocation and payment of an advance of the current part contributions intended for the Protected Natural Areas for the performance of activities and their management. “This is –...
See moreDetailsThe motion of the League "The presence of the wolf in our mountains and valleys is becoming increasingly problematic. For this reason today in the Regional Council we have presented, as the League Group, a motion to ask for the publication of a detailed framework...
See moreDetailsThe recent downgrading Flavio Tosi, MEP for Forza Italia, returns to the issue of the wolf and the modification of the Habitats Directive to downgrade it from a strictly protected species to a protected one, on which the European process will soon resume after the historic green light in the...
See moreDetailsIstat data Crickets and larvae on the plate? No, thanks! The trend of insects on the table is not taking hold among Italians with imports of this type of product for food consumption having collapsed by 30% in 2024, according to...
See moreDetails“The presence of wolves in our mountains and valleys is becoming increasingly problematic. For this reason today in the Regional Council we have presented, as the Lega Group, a motion to request the publication of a detailed annual picture of predation, divided...
See moreDetails Caccia Passione Srl
via Camillo Golgi nr. 1, post code 20090 Opera (MI) ITALY
CF and VAT number 08016350962
Newspaper registered at the Court of Milan nr. 17 of 20.01.2012 - ROC registration nr. 22180
Fully paid-up share capital € 10000
Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni
Contact: [email protected]
Caccia Passione Srl
via Camillo Golgi nr. 1, post code 20090 Opera (MI) ITALY
CF and VAT number 08016350962
Newspaper registered at the Court of Milan nr. 17 of 20.01.2012 - ROC registration nr. 22180
Fully paid-up share capital € 10000
Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni
Contact: [email protected]