Hunting: Teramo, via the five-year plan for the containment of wild boar and ungulates in general; it starts in the first ten days of May.
The jokes for the containment of boars they should start within the first ten days of May. Last night the Provincial Council unanimously approved both the five-year plan and the annual plan for the management of ungulates and an act of guidance which provides that within thirty days "a regulation for the compensation of damages is drawn up that deals with the aspects concerning the assessment, the prevention measures, the purposes, the indemnities". The Province, after having put the Council of the Hunting (within which all the associations, including environmentalist and farmers' associations sit) and the representatives of the two territorial hunting areas has prepared the two hunting planning tools whose primary objective is to limit the proliferation of the species, now also permanent in areas where its presence is not compatible with the faunal, environmental and anthropogenic elements, and, consequently, reduce the damage to crops. Damages which in some cases can be very large and which, in recent years, due to the reduction of public funds, have never been fully repayable. In 100, in fact, we reached about 201 thousand euros in reimbursement requests but the Region allocates about half of the sum and also considering the economic contribution budgeted by the Province for integration, it was difficult to reimburse more than 350%.
In 2014 we reached about 350 thousand euros in reimbursement requests but the Region has allocated half of the sum and in recent years, also considering the economic contribution budgeted by the Province for integration, it has been difficult to reimburse more than 40% . The main problems occur between May and June and then in the autumn, especially in cereal crops and it is therefore in these periods that, based on the indications of Ispra and territorial data, it is necessary to intervene with a abatement plan. “We have launched a broad process of participation between the various social components involved, the Park Authority, territorial hunting areas, agricultural organizations in order to define a final proposal that is shared as much as possible between the various stakeholders, often conflicting interests. We accepted over 90% of the proposed amendments even though we had to work quickly because we are close to the months of greatest damage to agricultural production and therefore it was necessary to intervene: especially since in the first three months of the year the compensation practices show a growth trend compared to 2014 ”explained Piergiorgio Possenti to his fellow directors, who coordinated the process of drawing up the Plan.
The two Plans define the withdrawal quota for each territorial area, the methods of containment and the periods. The study presented by the Hunting Office shows that “in the period 2008/2009, when massive killing was carried out throughout the territory and in the ideal period (May / June) there was a reduction in damage of 44%. Since 2010/2013, with discontinuous abatements on part of the territory (2010-2012) in non-optimal periods (2010-2012-2013-2014), the damage has increased by 61%. " In the Council, yesterday evening, four amendments were accepted (presented by the two ATCs and by the directors Massimo Vagnoni and Graziano Ciapanna): among other things, it is expected that spring censuses will be carried out annually to support the data held by the body on damages and culling and that there is a "minimum culling of six animals even in those districts where the containment quota is zero".
During the meeting, the provincial councilor Graziano Ciapanna, who sits in the Community of the Gran Sasso-Laga Park, announced that action will also be taken within the protected areas and that the Park Authority "will equip itself with a containment plan that it will take into account what is foreseen in the rest of the territory ". Franco Fracassi urged the institution to "act quickly because the problem is very much felt". A concept reinforced by the intervention of the councilor Maurizio Verna: “These days, with limited public resources and with such pressing social priorities, it is immoral not to do everything possible to avoid waste. Reducing damage to crops must be our most important goal ”.
The main innovations introduced
1) Differentiated destination of the territory: territories with greater or lesser inclinations (vocations) to host populations of the species are identified, according to their environmental and social characteristics of the individual territories; a large area (C4) is also identified that from the coast line reaches up to about half of the provincial territory, in which the species is not compatible with the production, road and urban planning purposes of the area (zero tolerance zone); in each of the areas identified above, presences (numbers of sustainable garments) able to interact in an economically sustainable manner with the territory are planned
2) Prevention: prevention measures are envisaged such as electrified fences, gas detonators and disposable crops with a deterrent action on damage; in all cases these are interventions that will have to implement ATCs, hunting teams or farmers directly, thanks to contributions that the Province makes available annually; for their rationalization, the interventions will be implemented in particular in the most affected sites;
3) Population control: significant culls starting from the first days of May. It will operate on the basis of a Plan approved by the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA). Operators will be motivated to carry out the abatements through a reward system which provides for accessory sanctions for non-compliant parties.
4) Information: a page on the subject will be opened on the website of the Authority with useful information for interested parties, the publication of a provincial cartography (2015 damage risk chart) where the data on the damage will be updated weekly to locate the interventions, etc.;
5) Task force of emergency hunters coordinated by the Provincial Police who act promptly in case of damage detected by farmers; the Province will provide a telephone line with availability. "Considering that a wildlife management plan cannot be static because, to be effective, it must capture the changes in fauna and the environment - specified Piergiorgio Possenti - every year all data (damage, sampling, etc.) will be collected in order to verify, with the technical-scientific support of ISPRA, the objectives actually achieved for a possible remodeling ".
“We do not pretend to solve everything with a magic wand - said the president Renzo Di Sabatino - the wildlife hunting world is a rich and articulated world and represents a resource in the monitoring and management of the territory. Today we have a priority objective: to limit damages and public resources destined for reimbursements and these two instruments will allow us to do so. There are also other aspects that we want to address and among these the movement of teams and hunters in the districts and macro-areas and on this an important role can be played by the ATC ".
(April 28, 2015)
Source: CityRumors