Hunting in Tuscany. Stefano Mugnai and Marco Stella, respectively leader of Forza Italia and vice-president of the Regional Council of Tuscany, siding against the Government decree affirm, "We believe the attack on hunting activities in Italy which requires the Regions to close the hunting of the species Tordo Bottaccio, Cesena and Woodcock to January 20 ".
“The associations have done well - they continue - hunters to challenge the decree of Minister Galletti, authorizing the use of substitute power by the Minister, to modify part of the hunting calendars of the Regions ”.
Furthermore, Mugnai and Stella explain that “The Decree of the Council of Ministers of 20 January 2015, a presupposed act, is not registered by the Court of Auditors, an essential condition for its enforceability; the Court of Auditors also allegedly made heavy remarks on the procedure for issuing the Decree itself ".
“For these reasons - conclude the two representatives of Forza Italia - we invite the local administrations and the Regions to make every effort to verify that this new government act has complied with the entire procedural process in order to be enforceable. If procedural defects are highlighted, we hope for a prompt response from the Regions for the immediate restoration of the validity of the hunting calendars, as originally drawn up for the 2015/2016 season ".
(January 20, 2016)
Source: AscaNews