As established in these last hours by the Constitutional Court, hunters cannot be employed in any Italian region for the wildlife control. The decision was made in relation to the situation in Abruzzo. According to the Council, in fact, thearticle 44 of the law of this region (the number 10 on 2004 which deals with hunting activities) does not respect the Constitution in its second paragraph.
The latter provides that the hunting guards implement the plans for the killing of the various species of wild fauna, also making use of hunters registered or admitted to the interested Territorial Hunting Areas. The Abruzzese side-by-side can be reported by name by the ATC management committees.
The question had been raised by the Regional Administrative Court of Abruzzo after the appeal of the National Animal Protection Authority, Anti-Vivisection League and National League for the Defense of the Dog. The animal welfare associations wanted to cancel a resolution of the Province of Teramo concerning the three-year control plan for the period 2016-2018 of the fox populations.