The Single Atc with its size and its number of members is the largest in Italy and its management has never been simple thanks to hunting pressure and industrialized agriculture over a large part of the territory; then the different hunting traditions have an influence, deeply rooted in the various parts that make it up. Federcaccia is ready to do its part and give its contribution with the dense web of sections that represent us on the territory, but always in full respect of the roles. The tasks of the management committees are established in article 31 of law 26/93 and on these topics and on this work Federcaccia through its representatives, Oscar Lombardi and Gianpietro Recent all possible commitment.
Alessandro Sala can boast a great experience in hunting, having held the role of provincial hunting councilor for 12 years, he has always been a member of Federcaccia and in the past he held important positions within our association. It is certainly strange how fate led him to preside over the Single Atc, which he strongly desired at the time of the councilorship of via Milano! A difficult challenge with which he will have to prove the correctness of the political choice desired at the time. Good luck (Federcaccia Brescia).