Legambiente, Federcaccia, ArciCaccia and Anuu Migratoristi on the eve of the new hunting season have given life to a three-year plan of common work on the main and most urgent issues of defense of biodiversity and the territory.
Rome, 18 September 2014 - "We can really talk about a new way of doing environmental policy, mature and finally able to face the real needs of our territory, which emerged clearly also in this summer marred by floods and landslides, but also to put the potential, such as the enhancement of the national faunal heritage, a particular attention to problematic species that must also be considered as a resource and the maintenance of biodiversity and Italian ecosystems ”, this is the comment of the president of the CNCN, lawyer. Giovanni Ghini, on the sidelines of the collaboration agreement signed by the most representative hunting associations at national level, Federcaccia and Arci Caccia, and Legambiente, the main Italian environmental association. As stated in the joint note of the three associations, this is a "structural reform, in which tools, mission and the interpretation of cooperation policies to combat illegalities against nature and wild animals, undergo a radical change of approach. Cooperation is no longer simply a sustainable development project but a precise operational commitment towards a broad horizon that calls for active participation ". The working protocol has a duration of three years and aims at promoting the protection of nature on the basis of four main strands: protection of species at risk of extinction; soil conservation; story of knowledge and positive relationships between human stories and nature; collection and sharing of wildlife data at the service of the whole country.
“We comment on the initiative with satisfaction - said President Ghini - also because we can say that we are among the first to believe in a new way of managing fauna and the environment. For years we have been working for this and the last scheduled appointment, that is the round table < > scheduled during the Vico del Gargano Game Fair, it had received the participation of all the components of this agreement, with an invitation extended to other stakeholders who I hope will soon be involved. Unfortunately, the event was canceled due to the flood that hit the Gargano in early September, yet another disaster caused by climate change but also by a land use policy that, at national level, has not always been managed correctly. What happened in Puglia is therefore the demonstration that we must change, and we must do it immediately. Therefore, best wishes to all the associations signing the three-year pact for the courage of a choice that someone will criticize for workshop interests but which turns out to be the most correct and most innovative for the future ".
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