La environmental protection, biodiversity and ecosystems enters the Constitution. The Chamber of the Chamber has definitively approved the constitutional law proposal amending two articles of the Charter accordingly, 9 and 41. The text, at the second reading in the House, passed to Montecitorio with 468 votes in favor, one against and six abstentions.
Il Senate it had approved it with a two-thirds majority on 3 November. Consequently, it enters into force immediately and is not subject to referendum. This is the comment of Massimo Buconi, Chairman of the Hunting Federation"It is a good day, it is in our interest and in future generations to give dignity to the defense and safeguard of the environment. We agree with Minister Cingolani when he says that environmental protection must be combined with social sustainability in the context of the ecological transition. It is expected that with state law provision will be made for the protection of animals, there are already ad hoc regulations in this sense. So it is a good point of balance but we need an effective application in the interest of us, of the citizens, but also of biodiversity and socially sustainable development.".