The usual annual publication edited by the municipal group ANUUMigratoristi of Marradi, in the Mugello mountains, in particular by Roberto Randi, Marco Catani and Alberto Baldassarri, under the patronage of the Municipality, was printed at the Tipo-Litografia Fabbri in Modigliana. In reality, this brochure contains much more than what was announced in the title “Considerations on the autumn pass of the Turdidae and other species in the municipality of Marradi - Hunting season 2013/14”. In fact, while the section dedicated to the evolution of the past autumn migration of Song Thrush, Redwing, Cesena, Merlo, Colombaccio, Woodcock and some Fringillidi remains central and more substantial, some parts relating to the patron saints of hunters are integrated in this issue. the optimal arrangement of the plants thrown to the shed, information on the town of Marradi and on the activities of the fishing section successfully introduced by the local ANUUMigratoristi a few years ago, and finally the page "honor the game bag" with three tempting traditional recipes.
The 2013 publication therefore keeps alive the series inaugurated a few years ago by the Marradese ANUUMigratoristi, perfectly declining the broader approach of the Association to the hunting theme, dealing not only with pure hunting, but also with the whole more complex world of culture and rural traditions of which hunting is the daughter. Congratulations to the friends of Marradi for their strong activism and for the proactive approach that is gaining increasing interest from the local community.
The brochure can be requested directly from the President of the Group, Roberto Randi, by e-mail ([email protected]). We remind everyone that the President of the Marradi Group is also the author of the beautiful successful book dedicated to the Marradese huts entitled "In the silence of the October dawn", which we have already covered in the pages of our magazine, which is worth having. in the library and which can be requested from our Central Secretariat (Via E. Baschenis, 11 / C - 24122 Bergamo - tel. 035/243825 - e-mail: [email protected]).
5 February 2014
ANUU Migrators