Near the start of the hunting season, the State Forestry Corps, in order to prevent damage to the environment and in particular to the wildlife heritage, invites all hunters to comply with the regulations in force on the subject.
The State Forestry Corps, through its peripheral structures, protects wild species by guaranteeing the conservation of natural habitats in application of national and international regulations.
Particular attention must be given first of all to the safety of people and therefore maximum caution in the early hours of the day given the massive presence of hunters and the concomitant presence of hunters of mushrooms or other products of the undergrowth.
Also remember:
1) do not hunt on wooded areas covered by fires in the last 10 years, the information relating to these areas can be found at the municipal land registers;
2) meticulously check the status of the weaponry, ammunition and personal equipment and always comply with the provisions on the use and / or transport of hunting vehicles;
3) verify the regularity of the documents necessary for the hunting exercise (firearms license, hunting license, insurance, regional hunting card, etc);
4) provide for the payment of government and regional taxes as well as all the formalities required by the territorial hunting areas (Atc);
5) correctly ascertain which are the boundaries of any parks, or other protected areas, within which hunting is strictly prohibited and whether there are additional protection areas on the perimeter;
6) document correctly on what are the limits of their territorial hunting areas and pay the utmost attention to the areas called Special Protection Areas (Zps), within which the hunting activity is regulated in a particular way, as specified in the various provincial hunting calendars and wetlands, where it is mandatory to use ammunition with steel shot;
7) be familiar with the provisions of the provincial hunting calendar and, if necessary, the regulations relating to the collection of mushrooms or other products from wooded areas;
8) always be sure of the wild species for which hunting is allowed; game which cannot be recognized or which cannot be clearly seen must not be killed;
9) strictly respect the safety distances required by law for buildings, any means of communication, agricultural vehicles at work as well as fixed or temporary hunting stalks; even in the event of the slightest doubt, avoid any potentially dangerous explosion;
10) always respect the surrounding environment and avoid abandoning any kind of waste but above all cartridge cases;
11) hold, transport and handle dogs, always the best "auxiliaries" of the hunting season, respecting the rules and their behavioral needs;
12), finally, the utmost respect for agricultural crops in place is recommended.
In the first days of hunting, the CFS will intensify the control services in order to prevent any accidents and verify compliance with current legislation on the subject. Any reports of violations in progress can be sent via the emergency number 1515 of the Forestry Corps.
(September 18, 2015)
Source: OnTuscia